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BiliÅŸim Teknolojisi ve Matematik EÄŸitimi
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Sonuc ve bazı onermeler

AAAS (1989). Science for All Americans. Washington, D.C.: American Association for the
Advancement of Science (AAAS).
Cox, M. J. (1997). The Effects of Information Technologies on Students’ Motivation. Summary Report. Conentery, UK: NCET Pub.
Ersoy, Y. (1994). On the introduction of computer-basedmathematics instruction into the Turkish educational system. In: Graf, K. D et al (eds). Technology in the Service of the Mathematics Curriculum. Proceeding of ICME-7, pp: 251-261. Berlin: Frei Universitat Berlin Pub.
Ersoy, Y. (1997). Okullarda matematik eÄŸitimi: Matematikte okur-yazarlık. HÜ EÄŸitim Fakültesi Der-gisi 13, 115-120.
Ersoy, Y. (2002a). Professional development of mathematics and science teachers: Issues, needs and models. First International Conference on Education: Changing Time, Changing Needs, May 8-10, 2002; Eastrean Mediterranean Uni, NCTR (basımda).
Ersoy, Y. (2002b). Hesap makinesi Destekli Matematik ÖÄŸretimi-I: ÖÄŸretmen GörüÅŸleri ve Hizmetiçi EÄŸitimden Ä°zlenimler. DEÜ-BEF Dergisi (Yayına yollandı)
Fey, J. (ed) (1992). Calculators in Mathematics Education: 1992 Yearbook of NCTM. Reston/VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Pub.
Gomes, P. & Waits, B. (1996) (Eds). Roles of Calculators in the Classroom. Proceedings of ICME-8, Una Empresa Docente , USA.
Hembree, R. and Desart, D. J. (1986). Effects of hand-held calculators in pre-college mathematics education: A meta-analysis. Journal of Research in Mathematics Education 17, 83-89.
Howson, A.G. and Kahane, J. P. (eds) (1986). The Influence of Computers and Informatics on Mathematics and Its Teaching. ICMI Study Series. Cambridge: Cambridge Uni. Press.
Laughbaum, E. D. (2000) (ed). Hand-Held Technology in Mathematics and Science Education: A Collection of Paper. Ohio: The Ohio State Uni. Pub.
NCTM (1989). Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics. Reston/VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Pub.
NCTM (1991). Professional Standards for Teaching Mathematics. Reston/VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Pub.
Pomerantz, H. (1999). Matematik EÄŸitiminde Hesap Makinesinin Rolü (The Role of Calculators in Mathematics Education) (Çeviri/Uyarlama: Y. Ersoy) Ä°stanbul: EMV Ltd Yay. 

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